Feb 15, 2025
Saturday Monthly Meditation Retreat
About: This is an In-Person Mini Sesshin(Meditation Retreat) with rotating periods of 25 minutes of Zazen (sitting meditation) and 5 minutes of Kinhin(walking meditation). In the last hour of the program, we will have a guest speaker or round-table group discussion.
Snacks, water, coffee, and tea will be provided in the common area.
Time: 10 AM - 12:30 PM (Sitting & Walking Meditation)
12:30 PM - 1 PM (Break)
1 PM - 2 PM (Speaker or Round Table Group Discussion)
Topic: Gate 1: Right belief is a gate of Dharma illumination;
for [with it] the steadfast mind is not broken.
Location: Youth of Unity(YOU) Room at Unity North Atlanta 4255 Sandy Plains Rd, Atlanta, Ga 30066
Offering: Suggested $20 or whatever you can afford.
Mar 22, 2025
Second Saturday Monthly Meditation Retreat
About: In-Person Mini Sesshin(Meditation Retreat) with rotating periods of 25 min Zazen (sitting meditation) and 5 min Kinhin(walking meditation). We will have a guest speaker or round table group discussion in the last hour of the program.
Snacks, water, coffee, and tea will be provided in the common area.
Time: 10 AM - 12:30 PM (Sitting & Walking Meditation)
12:30 PM - 1 PM (Break)
1 PM - 2 PM (Speaker or Round Table Group Discussion)
Topic: Gate 2 Pure Mind is a gate of Dharma illumination;
for [with it] there is no defilement.
Location: Youth of Unity(YOU) Room at Unity North Atlanta 4255 Sandy Plains Rd, Atlanta, Ga 30066
Offering: Suggested $20 or whatever you can afford.
Apr 19, 2025
Second Saturday Monthly Meditation Retreat
About: In-Person Mini Sesshin(Meditation Retreat) with rotating periods of 25 min Zazen (sitting meditation) and 5 min Kinhin(walking meditation). We will have a guest speaker or round table group discussion in the last hour of the program.
Snacks, water, coffee, and tea will be provided in the common area.
Time: 10 AM - 12:30 PM (Sitting & Walking Meditation)
12:30 PM - 1 PM (Break)
1 PM - 2 PM (Speaker or Round Table Group Discussion)
Topic: Gate 3: Delight Delight is a gate of Dharma illumination;
for it is the mind of peace and tranquility.
Location: Youth of Unity(YOU) Room at Unity North Atlanta 4255 Sandy Plains Rd, Atlanta, Ga 30066
Offering: Suggested $20 or whatever you can afford.